Osteopathy, hypothyroidism and Levothyrox®.

Hypothyroidism is a lack of thyroid hormone production by the thyroid gland.

The thyroid gland is located on the front of the neck, in front of the trachea and under the skin and muscles of the neck. It is butterfly-shaped, 6 cm long and palpable. It is directly linked to the pituitary gland, a small gland located at the base of the brain. The latter, through its secretion of TSH, allows the production of the thyroid hormones T3 and T4.

The thyroid plays the role of regulator of our body. Its hormones are essential for several functions such as heart rate, temperature regulation, digestive system, genital system, nervous system.


Patients with hypothyroidism have a slowed metabolism.

  • hair loss, brittle nails, dry skin, yellowed complexion, coarse-filtered face, heavy eyelids
  • coldness, fatigue, exhaustion that can lead to a depressive syndrome
  • muscle pain, joint stiffness, cramps
  • digestive problems: bloating, constipation, weight gain
  • fertility disorders: absence of menstruation, breast discharge, infertility 

"As you can see, some of the symptoms may be harmless. Their chronicity will alert you to the problem. If you have any of them, consult your general practitioner."

Hypothyroidism is diagnosed by a clinical examination (search for a goiter, palpation of the thyroid, bradycardia, decrease or abolition of tendon reflexes, etc.) and then by complementary examinations (blood test: thyroid hormone dosage, ultrasound).

"It is essential for an osteopath to know these symptoms and to be able to redirect his patient as it should be towards his general practitioner at the slightest suspicion. In my daily work as an osteopath, it is not uncommon for me to see patients with digestive and muscular disorders. In case of hypothyroidism, it is imperative that the patient be treated by conventional medicine ". 


It affects women and children in particular.

indices: 1/100 female and 1/1000 male

"I might as well tell you that in my osteopathic practice, it is very common for me to see patients with this pathology."


You should know that there are many causes of this pathology.

  • post-therapeutic (surgical, radiotherapy...)
  • autoimmune (Hashimoto's disease)
  • drug-induced, congenital (children)
  • atrophic thyroiditis
  • Thyroiditis (thyroid pathologies) can also be triggered by major stress, during particular periods of life (post-partum, pre-menopause)
  • Family history should be taken into consideration, so don't hesitate to talk to your doctor.

Treatments and controversy regarding the new Levothyrox® formula

Depending on the type of hypothyroidism your doctor will suggest a suitable drug treatment. Hypothyroidism can be transient or chronic. In the second case, it cannot be cured but can be controlled. The most frequently prescribed hormone replacement doses for adults are : Levothyrox® and its generic Levothyroxine®.

"Recent news shows a change in the formula of Levothyrox®. As I am neither a biologist nor a physician, I cannot give a valid opinion, but as a caregiver and as a woman, I can only warn my patients and relatives who are taking this new version of Levothyrox®. The number of women who have experienced problems after taking this new formula is too high. And what about the consequences if the new formula is taken during a pregnancy? Are there consequences on the fetus? Barbara Demeneix, a recognized biologist, talks about this in her interview in Le Parisien. In my office I have received patients complaining about these new side effects. According to some medical professionals, this is a mass nocebo, so there... no comment, impossible to prove scientifically with certainty. Why do we have to fight for the old formula to come back totally on the market? As of 13.10.17 there were more than 20,000 people with side effects. If it was their pregnant wives, their daughters who had these disorders what would happen? I am impressed by the courage of Nicolas Bouvier, a general practitioner who speaks out about this "gutter medicine". Patients suffer, period. Whether it is justified or not, whether it is a nocebo or not, whether we have scientific proof or not, the reality is that tens of thousands of people have had or are having side effects with this new formula, and not the least... An alternative to this problem must be found: the reintroduction of the old formula, period. It is unbelievable to think that patients have been forced to obtain it in our neighboring countries. I suspect, or at least I hope, that the laboratory Merck never wanted this to happen. We are in medicine, an inexact science, where there can be many hazards."

Osteopathy and hypothyroidism

At the risk of irritating many of my osteopathic colleagues, I will not personally embark on an osteopathic therapeutic treatment by explaining to my patients with hypothyroidism that I will be able to remedy it, or even replace their drug treatment. The cardiac disorders and other symptoms (depressive syndrome) are too numerous and heavy of consequences in a state of health to delay a medicinal and effective treatment. On the other hand, as a practitioner it is my duty to redirect my patients to their general practitioner if there is a suspicion of this pathology. This mission of advice is beautiful and is part of our daily work.

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